How do I turn off values I’m not interested in?

The visibility of the separate elements of the display can be controlled from ‘Display Preferences’ in the free version, or ‘Settings’ in the Pro version.




  1. Hi
    Great app, really useful.
    I have the pro version and I played in the settings and now I can’t tap the screen to bring up the menu screen…. help.
    I have some pins saved so dong fancy ‘re installing it again

    Any advice?

    1. Hi, I’m sorry to hear this, but unfortunately the only way to turn on the screen taps again (unless you have root access and know your way around SQLite3) is by reinstalling the app.
      I’d love to add some way of exporting or backing-up pins in the future, I hope I can eventually.
      This has happened to a few people and it makes me think having a permanent on-screen Menu icon would really help.

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